Sunday 30 December 2012

Goodbye 2012, hello 2013.

hye hey hello. so as we all know, today is the last day of 2012. i don't know what to say. Tbh i'm not ready to let go of 2012. 2012 was special for me. i experienced stuffs i never even thought of doing, and also got closer to peoples i never talked to! in 2012, i learn to be friendly. seriously, before this i was always the i-wont-talk-until-you-talk girl. ya know what i mean? then in 2012 i learn how to open up myself & start talking to others. it ain't even bad! haha. In 2012 too, i feel loved & wanted. not to brag but there's a lot of people who cared about me :') and i'm not ready to let go! i'm afraid. i'm afraid that things will change next year aka tomorrow. i'm afraid that everything we have now, our friendship, will be perished. cause i know some of you will be moving to other schools, and i'm sad. sad cause we've only got the chance to get closer this year. and when everything was perfect & awesome, some had to leave cause the upper form stream doesn't suit them. i know it's for their best but.....i can't help to be selfish. sigh. 2012 was the year i learned to have fun. to study. to not care bout what others think about you. to just live your life. to appreciate your friends. to know who's your TRUE friends and FAKE friends. okay. i think that's all.

xoxo, Niveane.

Wednesday 19 December 2012


Okay i have nothing to say. seriously nothing. this is just a short post to show off my PMR results kbai.

SOOO.....i got 6As 1B ! eventhough it's not straight As but i'm proud of myself :) 

k thats all for now, bye xoxo.

Thursday 6 December 2012

I was born to be a vampire.

hey guys! so i went to Merdeka Mall to watch Breaking Dawn Part II yesss! finally! with Jas, Peter & Brennan :D THAT MOVIE WAS SO FREAKIN AWESOME ASDFGHJKL WATCH NOW PEOPLE NOW I TELL YOU NOW !!!! haha k. just so you didn't know, Breaking Dawn Part II is the last series of Twilight, it was based on a novel by Stephenie Meyer. :)

such a perfect family, indeed they are. 

Edward and Renesmee :)

um so yeah i don't know much bout describing movies, especially the ones that has series ._. hmph okay let's just say that Bella, an immortal got married to a vampire named Edward Cullen. so she got pregnant and gave birth to their child, Renesmee who is a half human & half vampire. But then Edward had to turn Bella into a vampire cause if he don't Bella would die. so yeah and the story goes on, WATCH IT YOURSELF :p


Then after watching Breaking Dawn, we walked around MM cause we're lifeless ^^v so yea imma post some pics. HIHI.


Peter was lying down and his legs were on the seats infront of him -.- hahaha.

Peter :)

Me with my retarded smile.

Jas & Peter :)

Me. okay weird.

Brennan. y so serious? haha.

Peter with his lunch.

Peter looks scary. ahahaha.

Me & Brennan.

see that purple cabbage? yeah it was bitter. :x 

Me & Jas, we were sittin in the kids section in the bookstore! haha tired much.

and again.

Me. played archery for the first time. fun! but i suck. haha.

Brennan with his smiles.

Ain't he look cute there? hahahahaha.

the guy who played two times. sanggup! haha.


So, that's how my day ended! :) had so much fun & was so freakin tired when i reached home, hope to meet them again, somehow. ;) well, i guess i should really hit the sack now. it's 1.37am! Gosh. haha. nytes all <3