Sunday 18 November 2012

Mohon Restu ♥

i can't help to say that my Form 3 life has been one of my best lifes in school, yet. Eventhough i'm busy with PMR and all, but it's still the best year with the most enchanted memories one can ever have ;) All the best parts were the last minutes before PMR and after PMR. i remembered when all well not tecnically all, some lah practiced for our Majlis Mohon Restu performance and all of us were so cutee and yeah xD haha k. imma post some pics before and during Mohon Restu then :D woots watch out peeps! i love posting pics. haha. here goes!

Look at Muaz. haha.

The dudes with their jerseys.

 he climbed them with only his hands!

This moment. Epic moment is epic.
 That night <3 after the "Mohon Restu Keagamaan"
Hugging moments during Mohon Restu! :')

 Look at Rawing! haha.

 From Left: Ron, Akish & Eva.

Perez & Papa Let!

Me and Yam. Idk what's with his face then.

My loves. From left : Malissa, Eva & Jasmine. Dom looks scary at the back :O haha.


Me and Muaz.

From Left: Jas, Fran and Bibik.

Mal and Perez.

 Hugging moments 2 !

 US <3

 Me and Sheena!

 The guys.


Me and Nicko!

Yam with his kek lapis(s) haha.

 The  Bisayas as they say ^^v haha.

It was overall an awesome weekend it is. and guess what? it was the weekend before PMR! and we're all having fun. OUCH. haha k. These photos are not mine, they're all taken by Jasmine :D